Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only 5 Activations?

Ever wonder if 5 activations for your PlayStation 3 just isn't enough?

For those of you who don't know what I mean by 'activations', there is a limit to how many active PlayStation 3's you can have, this means if you run out and want to re-download content on a 6th PlayStation 3, your out of luck.

Now you may think, 5 activations is a lot, but consider this. You bought your first PlayStation 3, it got YLOD, you forgot to deactivate, bought another, then traded it in for a Slim (when it came out) and once again, forgot to deactivate. Now were at system number 3, your hard drive crashed (got blinking red-light), and still don't know about deactivating. Were now at 4, one more? I'll let you think of what could happen...

Many people shown their dislike to the ability to NOT remotely deactivate a system. Just to provide an example, the PlayStation Share site.

There is also a petition regarding the issue, I highly encourage you to sign it at

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Undead Nightmare Official Commercial - Bigfoot Also CONFIRMED!

Rockstar Games just released their Official TV Commercial for Undead Nightmare. At around 21 Seconds you'll also see - guess what? - Big Foot!...

Update: Rockstar Games Re-Confirmed (sort-of) by uploading a blurred picture of Big Foot on Newswire.

New to The Three States Blog

Recently we got down to thinking; What could make this brand-new blog more convenient?

Well, we have Twitter Feeds right? So we decided to integrate them into the blog. Since THREE Twitter feeds may be overwhelming or to crowded, we decided to just include one, GamerState, which is more or less just a combination of all our other Twitter Feeds.

This integration of Twitter Feeds may be found the right of our posts, just under the Ad, and is titled "Gamer State".

For more information about or various Twitter Feeds, see the "About Us" page at the top.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Early Review of PlayStation Move, and Xbox's Kinect

An early review (on July 12th) by The Reboot says PlayStation Move will be victorious over Xbox's Kinect but I guess we'll have to wait until November 4th to see for sure! (See the review below)

More Signs You Play MW2 Too Much

Recently we showed you signs you play Modern Warfare 2 too much. And now we're back with more!
  1. When you open your laptop and try to launch a predator missile.
  2. When you enter a marathon and try to get Marathon Pro.
  3. When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and complain of a "bad spawn".
  4. When C4 becomes more than just a bingo number to you.
  5. When you begin referring to your friends by their gamertags.
  6. When your kill streak is greater than the number of times you've been laid.
  7. You think freezing yourself gives you Cold-blooded.
  8. You lose a hold-your-breath contest, thinking "This guy's got Steady Aim Pro!".
  9. When you play a FFA paint-ball match, get the last kill, and wonder why it doesn't replay in slow motion.
  10. You walk outside and say, "WOW! These graphics rock!, But the gameplay sucks!"
  11. You see your best friend talking to a hot girl and get pissed because you can't seem to join the session in progress.
  12. When you play dodge-ball and say, "FRAG OUT!" every time you throw a ball, and shout, "GRENADE!!!" every time a ball lands near you.
  13. You say, "The bomb has been planted!" every time you open your binder at school, and you say, "Bomb defused!" everytime you close it.
If you have any of these symptoms, we suggest you either stop playing Modern Warfare 2, or just go and buy Black Ops!

Special Thanks to: Nick Winger

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Signs You Play MW2 Too Much

  1. You grab your boss’s briefcase, open it for five seconds, throw it out the window and say "bomb defused!".
  2. You jump off of a 10 story building because you have commando pro.
  3. You duct tape a GPS device to the side of your paintball gun and start looking for enemies.
  4. You hear a siren and yell "TACTICAL NUKE!!!? IT’S ALL OVER!"
  5. You yell "WE'VE BEEN EMP-ED! ALL ELECTRONICS ARE DOWN!" when the power goes out.
  6. You think it's ok to hide inside a rock.
Special Thanks to: Nick Winger

Monday, October 18, 2010

How to Install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 64-Bit

Recently I tried to install an Adobe Air program, and I ran into a problem. Adobe Air doesn't support 64-Bit Edition native. This guide will show you how to make it 64-Bit compatible. (If you are using 10.04 or older you may need to install ia32-libs first)

  1. Download the Adobe Air.deb file.
  2. Open Terminal (This can be found in "Applications > Accessories > Terminal")
  3. In Terminal go to the directory where you downloaded the .deb file. (By default this is ~/Downloads):
    1. cd 'Directory of .deb file'
    1. Create a temporary directory:
      1. mkdir tmp
      1. Extract the .deb file to the temporary directory:
        1. dpkg-deb -x adobeair.deb tmp
        1. Extract the Control Files
          1. dpkg-deb --control adobeair.deb tmp/DEBIAN
          1. Change the Architecture Parameter from 'i386' to 'all':
            1. sed -i "s/i386/all" tmp/DEBIAN/control
            1. Repackage the .deb File
              1. dpkg -b tmp adobeair_64.deb
              1. Now you may install Adobe Air by either double clicking the new .deb file (adobeair_64.deb), or entering the following into the same Terminal window
                1. sudo dpkg -i adobeair_64.deb
                Enjoy Adobe Air on your Ubuntu System!

                Best Quote of the Day

                Best Quote of the Day:

                "Personally, I spend far too little time racing around the country on a horse killing former business associates..." - Dan Houser

                Saturday, October 16, 2010

                Maintenance has Concluded

                Our earlier scheduled maintenance has now concluded. This maintenance;

                Please note, this maintenance had nothing to do with Twitter at all!

                Undergoing Maintenance

                Hey everybody!, we are currently undergoing maintenance to our twitter feeds, as earlier announced. Please ignore repeat Tweets, or Tweets that are regarding older information. We will let you know when maintenance is over, both here and on out Twitter feeds!

                Friday, October 15, 2010

                Capcom Support

                We're sad to announce, after tomorrows scheduled maintenance both PlayStatesNews, and XboxState will no longer support updates from Capcom. Although, GamerState will continue to support updates from Capcom. We apologize for any inconvenience this may of caused, and we will try to bring back Capcom support in the future.

                Scheduled Maintenance

                On October 16, 2010 at approx. 12:00PM EST, PlayStatesNews, XboxState, and GamerState Twitter feeds will be going into a scheduled maintenance. This maintenance will;

                Please note, this maintenance has nothing to do with Twitter at all!

                We will no longer support updates from Capcom on PlayStatesNews, and XboxState, but will continue to provide support at GamerState.

                Thursday, October 7, 2010

                New Facebook Picture Viewer

                Facebook recently (unsure how recently), rolled out a new feature. When you browser photos now, instead of it being a new page (with full size photo), a nice (HD looking) pop-up will open above the thumbnail page. This also supports editing (for owner). Clearly I am having a bit of trouble explaining this so here are some pictures.
                New Design. In case anyone's wondering, this is my friend's turban collection.
                Now unfortunately, we couldn't get a picture of the old design, but were sure you all remember. Also in addition, if you are the owner of the photo, you now have additional edit options. Such as Rotate.

                Saturday, October 2, 2010

                Earn money through

                We are in no way, employed by, nor is The Three States and affiliate of it, although some staff may be members. We do not condone in, nor disapprove anything does, nor do we guarantee any of it's actions to be legal, or illegal. Use at own risk.