Friday, October 22, 2010

More Signs You Play MW2 Too Much

Recently we showed you signs you play Modern Warfare 2 too much. And now we're back with more!
  1. When you open your laptop and try to launch a predator missile.
  2. When you enter a marathon and try to get Marathon Pro.
  3. When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and complain of a "bad spawn".
  4. When C4 becomes more than just a bingo number to you.
  5. When you begin referring to your friends by their gamertags.
  6. When your kill streak is greater than the number of times you've been laid.
  7. You think freezing yourself gives you Cold-blooded.
  8. You lose a hold-your-breath contest, thinking "This guy's got Steady Aim Pro!".
  9. When you play a FFA paint-ball match, get the last kill, and wonder why it doesn't replay in slow motion.
  10. You walk outside and say, "WOW! These graphics rock!, But the gameplay sucks!"
  11. You see your best friend talking to a hot girl and get pissed because you can't seem to join the session in progress.
  12. When you play dodge-ball and say, "FRAG OUT!" every time you throw a ball, and shout, "GRENADE!!!" every time a ball lands near you.
  13. You say, "The bomb has been planted!" every time you open your binder at school, and you say, "Bomb defused!" everytime you close it.
If you have any of these symptoms, we suggest you either stop playing Modern Warfare 2, or just go and buy Black Ops!

Special Thanks to: Nick Winger