Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Activision Reveals Beachead for CoD Online, and More

Activision has revealed Beachhead, their newest whole owned studio. This studio will create all of the company's new digital initiatives for the Call of Duty brand, including online community and service initiatives.

Activision has announced for the first time ever that the CoD series will soon support cross-platform gaming! This means PlayStation3 owners can now play CoD with their friends on Xbox360. How exactly this will work, we do not know.

Activision publishing president Mike Griffith made the announcement during the company's TTS-attended year-end fiscal results call, where he said Beachhead planned to "bring the online experience and console play together for the first time" through a "platform [that has been] in development for over a year."

"We're very excited about the increased value we can bring to the community," he added, bringing the companies plans to focus on the high-profit opportunity in the online space to light.

"The DLC we have planned for Call of Duty alone should have more commercial potential on its own than most standalone console games," he added.

Griffin said the first DLC, Black Ops: First Strike sold 1.4 million copies on day-one, outselling Modern Warefare 2's first map pack. Black Ops: First Strike is scheduled for March 3rd release date on PlayStation3.

Activision has also confirmed that no retail music or skateboard titles will be released by the publisher in the calendar year 2011. This means new Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, and Tony Hawk series will be taking a small break.

This is truly revelutionary technology we're about to see. Cross-Platform gaming for the first time! Time to own those sassy friends of your (who have a different system), who say they are the best when in reality, the suck.

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